2020: Community Water Management towards Sustainable Farmer and Local Development (Northeast area)
Community water management project towards sustainable farmer and local development was a collaboration between HII, National Farmers Council, and Provincial Administration Organization Association of Thailand, focused on “Science and technology adaptation for water management to prevent and solve flood and drought”. This project expanded the achievement of National Hydroinformatics Data Center (NHC) at provincial level to Provincial Water Resource Management Operation Center. This center integrated water resource information to additional spatial data collection survey for water management fact that leading to spatial water source development plan. This included creating sub-district water map to analyze and create water source development plan in area for suitable flood and drought resolution.
HII had the implementation plan following the water resource development plan for drought and flood resolution management. The plan has been for 4 years (2020-2023), targeting 25 areas annually, totaling 100 areas in the Northeast, which is the largest rain-fed area in the country, covering over 99,200 sq.km.
In the fiscal year 2020, HII initiated “Community water management project towards sustainable farmer and local development” for 12 areas, selected base on existing information, water map and development plan from 2 groups below.
1st group: Community network area was expanded from 60 core communities.
2nd group: Local and Farmers Council network area.
The achievement of this project was to alleviate drought and flood issues in the area, increase water capacity for dry period, ensure sufficient water consumption for agriculture to prevent damaging agricultural products, increase agricultural products for the community, decrease household expenses, increase income from merchandise, and improve the way of life.
The result in 2020, implemented 16 villages, alleviated flood issue 39 villages, beneficiary 3,593 households, agricultural area 83,918 sq.km., and increased water storage 820,000 cubic meter.
Good practice of Nong Kae Sub-district Community, Si Bun Rueang District, Nong Bua Lam Phu Province
Nong Kae Sub-district Community is located in rain-fed area. The community mainly consumes water from rain and creek. After a general survey of water sources collaborated with HII and the Provincial Farmers Council of Nong Bua Lam Phu Province, found that many water sources and structures were shallow, lacked water storage systems, including effected water scarcity for consumption and agriculture during dry season. The main 2 canals, namely E-Dorn Creek and Yang Creek passed through Moh Creek, Si Bun Rueang District, Nong Bua Lan Phu Province.
Nong Kae Sub-district Community collaborated with HII and Nong Bua Lam Phu Province Farmers Council, implemented science and technology adaptation for community water resource management to specify the spatial water source development guideline. The process was to survey and collect data coincide with using satellite map, GPS, GIS for analyzing and creating data, including to set potential working group for each aspect. The outcome was to maintain and manage water resources in alignment with societal needs.
Nong Kae Sub-district Community managed interlinked water sources and reinforced water storage for agriculture during dry season. Each water channel was an open-close system by wooden gates to systematically control water levels. The community water resource management committee planned water management to increase water capacity to 80,000 cubic meters/year, covering zone 9th of Phutthaisong village, benefited area was 2.4 sq.km. for 200 households totaling 700 people.
Most of Nong Kae Sub-district Community were farmers. They cultivated monoculture such as sugarcane and rice which high costs, losses and debt. After the development of water sources in the year 2020, the community began to be aware of the importance of water resources and agriculture development. The farmers adjusted the agricultural activity eventually.
In line with H.M. the King’s Initiative based on the new-theory agriculture aligning with community’s agriculture, aimed to self-reliance, reduce expenses, increase productivity and income year-round, and able to analyze and manage water for crop cultivation calendar planning. In 2021, planned to be the model of the new-theory agriculture for other communities.