Enforced, the New “Royal Decree on Establishing the Hydro - Informatics Institute (Public Organization)”


The Royal Decree on Establishing the Hydro – Informatics Institute (Public Organization) – HII, B.E. 2562 (2019) is now enforced and repealed the B.E. 2551 (2008)’s version, which restated their name, adjusted roles and missions up to date

On 21 March 2018, the Royal Thai Government Gazette’s website has publicized “The Royal Decree on Establishing the Hydro – Informatics Institute (Public Organization) – HII” with 49 sections and automatically repealed The Royal Decree on Establishing the Hydro and Ago Informatics Institute (Public Organization) – HAII, B.E. 2551 (2008). This Royal Decree was suddenly effective on the next day of this announcement date onwards. From this Royal Decree, all operations, properties, rights, debts, obligations, budgets and income of the HAII under the Royal Decree on Establishing the HAII, B.E. 2551 (2008) that exist prior to the effective date of this Royal Decree shall be transferred to the HII.

Remarks: The rationale behind the promulgation of this Royal Decree is that it is deemed appropriate to revise the Royal Decree on Establishing the HAII, B.E. 2551 (2008) by changing the name of the HAII to the HII, and by revising the objectives, duties and powers for compliance of the administration and implementation of the HII to be in accordant with the development of the country’s water resource management system. It is, therefore, essential to compile, correlate, integrate and analyze data on the impacts of water and climate on water resource that are obtained from relevant agencies and updated on a continuous basis. The Institute is responsible for the conducting of research and development of hydro – informatics management technology and innovation to provide timely solutions to water resource problems, the provision of National Hydroinformatics and Climate Data Center services for uniform and mutual utilization of data, the revision of the provisions the previous Royal Decree to comply with the provisions of the Public Organization Act, B.E. 2542 (1999) as amended by the Public Organization Act (No.2), B.E. 2559 (2016). It is, therefore, necessary to enact this Royal Decree

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