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Location and Suggestion
HII Visited “Phrae” province for site-survey in CRADR project
HII visited Lao PDR and summarize overall water resource development for flood and drought resilient
HII collaborated with Deltares and Kasetsart University organized “Deltares Software Days South-East Asia Bangkok 2019”
Dr. Royol Chitradon and HII’s Board of Directors monitored community water resource management for bald mountain and drought preparation by agroforestry at Chiang Mai province
HII joined 2019 Mekong Research Symposium and presented WRF-ROMS
Northeastern Vocational Institute of Agricultural and Australian delegates visited HII
The 6th Research to Operations: R2O seminar, organized by HII
SOFRECO, Myanmar, visited HII
HII organized a training “The Usability and Development of MIKE FLOOD and Saline Intrusion Model in Ayeyarwady River Basin’s Delta in Myanmar”
HII attended “RECONECT: The General Assembly Meeting” and presented the prototype site, Rangsit community